I’m one of those types of people who likes to use different types of headphones when it comes to listening to music. At home I have a pair of studio headphones that I use with my Mac when I’m listening to music and watching movies. On my commute to work, I have another pair of studio headphones with noise cancellation, so that I can focus to getting to work on time and not so much on whats going on around me.

However, I’ve gotten to a point where I wanted something a little lighter in my ears for the commute to work. Primarily something I could just put in my pocket, and not something that I have to fold up, place in a bulky case, and stuff said bulky case back into my backpack. Initially I was a little unsure about the AirPods, but the more that I kept thinking about them, the more I kept noticing that these might actually be a perfect fit for me. I didn’t have a cord that I needed to spend time untangling (like with the Apple EarPods, for example), they weren’t difficult to pair with my other Apple devices (iPad, iMac, and yes the Apple Watch), then there’s the charging case that charges the AirPods when you’re not using them, and best of all it’s super small!

Music will pause, when you take the AirPods out and starts back up again when you put them back in your ears. You can interact with Siri to make calls, and change the volume of your music just to point out a couple cool features. They’re definitely worth checking out if you’re curious about what it’s like to have a completely unique wireless headphone experience. I’ve only had them for a couple weeks and I’m totally hooked.