I’m sure you’ve seen PRODUCT RED special edition products that, when bought, the manufacturers donate a percentage of the profits to the Global Fund to help eliminate AIDS in Africa. (Apple’s red iPod nano and shuffle are good examples—if they would let us carry them, we would!)


Now, there’s more to (RED), and more ways to help! Their new weekly digital music magazine, (RED)WIRE, launches today. With each issue, you’ll receive exclusive music from artists around the world, and people living with HIV in Africa will receive the medicine they need.

Sign up now and get two free issues.

How it works:
Every Wednesday, you’ll receive your new music via the (RED)WIRE player – which also places each song automatically in your iTunes. All music is yours forever, since they are unprotected digital files. You’ll be able to play them on your computer, iPod as well as burn them to CD or DVD.

It’s all only $5 per month (that’s about what you’d pay for iTunes music anyway in a month!) and half your membership fee goes to buy medicine to keep people living with HIV in Africa alive.

What you’ll receive:

  • You get an exclusive song from a major artist.
  • A song by a showcased artist.
  • A fun or inspiring piece that’s not music—a short video of someone telling a story, a slideshow of great photography, someone reading something they love.
  • And frequent updates from Africa—a window into the culture of the people getting the medicine.

Check out (RED)WIRE here!