Hello readers,

74, 25, 38, 61, 43, 56. Not Powerball numbers, but a range of last week’s temperatures, even with a touch of snow sprinkled in there. My least favorite part if spring is feeling like I need to prepare for anything when I leave the house. I still wear my winter jacket almost every day, and my ice scraper is going to stay in my trunk until June.

Luckily, the sun is warm no matter how cold it is, and the flowers and grass seem to be ignoring the weather, which is motivating me to do the same. I have decided that I need to have the same standards as grass.

Speaking of standards, we all know that at both ends of the country this week people were tested in similar horrible ways and certainly set a high standard of resilience for the rest of us to live up to. That’s all I am going to say about any of it. Others have said everything that can be said and better than I could. I am however, going to try to stop for at least a second when I get angry at someone and ask myself if I’m really that mad.

Thanks for reading,
